Writers Notebook1/14/2010 4B

I wish I cold take a stand to all the bullies at my school. I mean they don't mess with me really because they know I do not take any crap from them, but I wish I could stand up for my friends more "protectively" than I do.

I wish that the bullies that mess with my friends would understand that I will beat them down just as much for messing with my friends as they do for messing with me.

I guess what I am trying to say is this...you mess with my friends I will personally take my own stand and make sure that you will not do it again!!! But, I will avoid a fight if I can, I do not pick fights I finish them. I do not mind fighting anyone that is messing with a friend o mine or myself, but I would rather not fight if any way possible.

Writers Notebook 2/15/2010 4B

Right now in my life I have only committed myself to one person. My best friend is the person who I have truly committed myself to; I give all my time and energy to this person, I try my absolute best to be there every single time this person needs help.

My friend has some peroblems that most other people do not have, so I do what I can to be ther for my best friend. Just like my best friend is there for me.

I use to never be able to talk to anybody because there was never anyone there for me. So I understand how my friend is feeling sometimes. Thats one of the reasons I try to be there and give my all for them, and the great thing is... that friend is doing the same for me.

Writers Notebook 2/23/2010 4B

The art of persuasion, I do not use persuasion much, but when I do I use the guilt tactic. I see persuasion all the time on TV, but my family and I hardly use any bad forms of persuasion. So no, persuasion is not very important in my life, but when I do use persuasion I am very good at it.

The last time that I can think of that I used persuasion is ...