Reflective Blog Post

This Blog is going to be about all the books that I have read this nine weeks! The funny thing is... I haven't been able to read any books this nine weeks. So this is not going to be a reflection on the books that I have read this nine weeks, but a blog about why I have not been able to read this nine weeks, and also how I might be able to change for the next nine weeks.
Well, the main reason I haven't been able to read ANY books this nine weeks is because I have been working like a mad man. Between work, school, and my own laziness, plus any other factors that might have caused me not to read, I have not read any books. Obviously I am not going to have a good grade this nine weeks, but possibly maybe this next nine weeks I will be able to get my head on straight and be able to actually read and do some of that reading that I really need to do. Ha, that last sentence was really weird.
Anyway, I have been thinking and I might have some ideas that might make it possible for me to actually read this next nine weeks. One way is to stay up late and read for an hour and so and have less sleep at night. I mean one hour less sleep each night won't be to bad. Also I might be able to bring my grades up big time in English. Well, I could also see if my boss would let me read some at work, or possibly not work me so much. I might also be able to read during my art class and other classes like that. All in all I have very little time to read, and I hope that during this nine weeks I might find some time to read and be able to get my grades back up.


  1. Maybe you're missing the bigger picture here. You're working now, neglecting your education. Getting a good education now will help ensure getting a good career later. Is neglecting your education worth having spending money now?

    Cutting back on the hours seems a no-brainer if you really have no time to read. What say ye?

  2. I'm not neglecting my education for spending money. I use the money for vehicles, insurance, and groceries mostly.
