My Cross-Examination

This is a hard blog to blog about (ha ha) because I don't really know what topic I should be cross examined on. I mean sure if I had committed a serious crime I could be cross examined on that, but I have not committed any crimes, so I don't really know what to blog about. I guess I'm going to have to give it a try.

Ha ha! I know what I have been crossed examined on! My work, when I work for my neighbor or when I work for my own family, my family always cross examines my work, and me depending on how good of a job I did. If they think I did a good job then I don't really get cross examined, but if I do a bad job then I really get cross examined on how great my credibility, or how lazy I am, or how much better I could have done.

I know I could always do better, but come on people I'm only human! I make mistakes! I'm not perfect, so please quit trying to correct me on every little detail. Yeah, I would like to know what I did wrong, but when you go on and on and on about it all the time. It gets old! You can cross examine me all you want, but it would be nice if every once in a while you would not cross examine me, and would just say, "Yeah Nathan, you did a great job!" But that's up to you...


  1. My family does that too! They always pick out the little things and I have to redo them!

  2. "Yeah Nathan, you made a great blog post!" There was no cross examination in that comment. :)
