Seven Habit of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey is a self/help book to help teens develop their "habits." The book has seven habits that have to deal with emotional, physical, and just some of the things that you will need help with throughout your life.
I guess I would have to say that my favorite habit would have to be habit 3. Habit 3 is about putting first things first, and this is probably the habit I will have to work on the most. In Sean Covey's book he explains why we all need to put first things first. I personally have a bad habit of procrastinating, I also like to do the fun things in my life first, but don't we all. In habit three Sean takes people "by the hand" and helps them take baby steps into this direction.
My least favorite habit would have to be habit 4 because I always think to my self win-win. Thinking win-win for me is almost as easy as breathing, but this book does do a good job of explaining how to help if someone does need help.
The book Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens is a great book for those that need help with their values or morals. This book also helps people see how they might change something to make their life or other peoples lives better, but in some ways this book is also a complete wast of time.